I want to become a real estate agent.
What do I do next?

- Determine if you are eligible to become a licensed real estate salesperson.
Per COMAR Article – Business Occupations and Professions §17–303.
Are you at least 18 years old and of good character and reputation?
- Find the licensing education provider that is right for you. Classes can be taken online or in a classroom setting.
Here are a few places that offer pre-licensing education:
- The CE Shop: https://gcbr.theceshop.com/maryland/pre-licensing/md-salesperson-pre-licensing-cost
- The Ed Smith Real Estate School: http://www.edsmithschool.com/salesperson-pre-licensing-.html
For a complete list of approved schools visit: https://www.dllr.state.md.us/license/mrec/mrecproviders.shtml
- Complete the initial licensing education and take the exam.
The Maryland Real Estate Commission requires a 60-hour Principles and Practices of Real Estate for Salespersons Course that covers principles of real property; landlord-tenant relationship; real estate contracts; rules of agency and listings; transfer of title to real property; title insurance and settlements; fundamentals of appraising; real estate finance; Maryland real estate law; regulations of the Real Estate Commission; details of the Code of Ethics; laws and practices covering human rights and community relations; basic mathematics pertaining to real estate industry; property condition disclosure; and law and regulations covering hazardous substances, etc.
Taking the exam:
- The Salespersons’ examination consists of two parts, a national portion and a state portion. Candidates must pass each portion of the examination with a grade of at least 70%. Candidates who pass one portion retain credit for passage of that portion for one year. Applicants who pass both portions shall apply for licensure within one year or the score expires.
- PSI Examination Services provides examination services for the Real Estate Commission. Examinations for all real estate license categories are given daily Monday through Friday at PSI’s testing centers, located in Baltimore, College Park, Salisbury, Hagerstown, Lanham and Crofton. Test dates are by appointment only and confirmed in writing. The exam is by computer and is two hours in length. The examination fee is paid directly to the exam vendor, PSI.
- In some cases the exam can be taken elsewhere with an online proctor.
- As you complete the course work start looking for a broker. You must obtain, from a licensed real estate broker, a commitment providing that you will become affiliated with the licensed real estate broker as a real estate salesperson when the Real Estate Commission grants you your license. A real estate salesperson may only provide brokerage services on behalf of a licensed broker with whom they are affiliated. (You will learn more about that in your classes.)
- When thinking about what company to join there are many factors to consider including company culture, personality, commission splits, and whether or not the broker is a REALTOR® because not every real estate agent is a REALTOR®. REALTORS® are members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and voluntarily subscribe to its strict Code of Ethics.
- Here you can find a list of REALTORS® in Garrett County:
- Once you pass the exam and your license is with the brokerage of your choice you will have started a journey that has no guarantee of success but also has no preset destination or limits either. Enjoy!
Go To Resources for Real Estate related information
- The Maryland Real Estate Commission
http://www.dllr.state.md.us/license/mrec/ - The Garrett County Board of REALTORS® (GCBR)
www.gcbr.org - Maryland REALTORS®
- The Maryland Real Estate Commission